Welcome to all

Hello there, I`m Linda.

Welcome to all, this is my website.

I have had an online craft business since 2010, when having created many crochet pieces from my own designs I decided I either had to stop making or start selling.Welcome to all

I decided to open a shop on a big site and sell my wares. I naively thought that all I had to do was add the items and they would sell. I was so wrong.

It was very challenging at the start but it got much easier as my knowledge base grew. I learnt about taking good pictures, creating great descriptions and social media. I constantly asked questions online and was lucky enough to have lots of help from those who had gone before.

What started as a hobby became more. The thrill of the first sale


 was brilliant and that was it, I wanted a business, I wanted to work for myself. 

Changing what I created and branching out was very exciting. I kept on adapting until I ended up with a product I enjoyed making and that sold well. It was time consuming though and as the family grew my available time dwindled as I helped with childcare.

Time to change

I needed a new source of income that didn’t take up a lot of time, so I went looking. I heard about Affiliate marketing and Passive Income, so I began a quest to learn more. That turned into a desire to find the holy grail of affiliate marketing, a company that didn’t rip you off and genuinely helped you.

It took many months of research, with a lot of dead ends and time wasted. I had come across many “systems” that screamed “con” and would send me researching again. Like everyone else, I wanted to believe their claims. Thye came across as believable too. Luckily my intuition would pull me back from the final step of losing money.

I arrived at Wealthy Affiliate, had a look, stepped away and researched. I did that a few times before joining with the free membership. And that was it. I liked what I saw, tried the first month at half price just to make sure it wasn’t a scam once I got inside ……… and I have been there ever since.

Why I want to help people.

I want to help people reach their goals, to discover what they really want to create as an online business without having to take years to learn as I did at the start.

Times are tough for many people right now with the Pandemic that has been ravaging populations. People didn’t want lockdowns but it taught us all a lot. Despite the early struggle, many found that they liked having more family time and a slower pace of life.

People also realised that such events could happen again which made them consider the future in a different light. No job was secure as many companies and smaller businesses gave up the fight. Those that could, moved online. The internet had become a massive market place that was still growing. New businesses are springing up every day online, it’s a safer way to work and can be done in the hours you choose.

You look at options, get taken in a few times and you either give up or become more determined. I want to help those that keep right on trying and hopefully reduce the length of their search. There are a lot of systems out there to `help` you. Scams too, that only want to extract your cash while delivering very little.

I read blogs and watched endless videos trying to learn what I could. They all promised much but delivered very little.

Then I found my way to Wealthy Affiliate and discovered people who want to help and offered enrolment and training for free. Actually giving you a chance to find out what they were really like before parting with hard earned cash.

Site Goals.

Having worked years at my original craft business, I thought I knew a lot. I discovered that actually there was an awful lot I did not know. That came as a shock I can tell you.

My goal is to aid those who are new to online business affiliate marketing as well as those affiliate marketers who have been at it a year or two and not getting anywhere yet.Don't give up welcome to all

Both can benefit from the extensive training offered by Wealthy Affiliate. They teach many different business models, so there is something for everyone and much of it applies to any online business.

So many give up, never knowing how close they came, which is such a shame.

I have products on here that can help you achieve your goals. Always do your own research first and remember that a developer’s idea of a ‘newbie’ is not the ordinary person’s idea of a ‘newbie’. Some 3 clicks and you are done and newbie friendly are not. Some you do need some expertise for. So be sure to check anything out from more than one source, before you buy.

Plus always remember that, what works for one person, won’t necessarily work for another.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out if I can.

All the best,


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