How to get Cheap Legitimate Facebook Page Likes
This video and post is about how to get cheap legitimate Facebook page likes via advertising. Buying likes is never a good option.

From Paul Murphy all about Facebook advertising.

A shortened version of the video:

When you advertise on Facebook you get into a bidding war with anyone else who’s vying for that space on Facebook. You need a really good relevancy score for your bid price to come down, so if you’ve built that trust with Facebook then what it does is it  decides that you’re legitimate. That you’ve got all these things in place and one of them specifically I’m going to show you in a minute and then when you’ve done that you will get your advertising at a lower cost and Facebook will favour you above other  advertisers because a lot of people are just kind of dipping into the platform and trying to get advertise but don’t really know what they’re doing.

Building your Page

What you can do is you can build up your page once you have created a new page on Facebook. That is straightforward and easy enough to do.

You’ll obviously start with no likes and unless people know where to find you it’s hard to get people interested in your page. This is where the ads come in. Some people have paid for likes in the past but it is just a waste of money, I assume that sort of thing is still about but there are 2 reasons not to do it.

  • 1) They aren’t real people which means they won’t interact with your page.
  • 2) You can get your page and ad account banned from Facebook. Definitely not what you want.

You will pay more at first for your adverts until you can show you are legitimate.

Showing the Ad campaign

Paul shows the results of his ad campaign that has yet to run a full dayHow to get Cheap Legitimate Facebook Page Likes

I’ll show you exactly how this works so if you’ve not created ads before this is where you start.

Your custom audience you would leave blank and then you would put in worldwide for location.  Apparently it’s really expensive to advertise in California, so its a good idea to exclude that region., so apart from that you can include everywhere else.

So you just advertise to the whole world because obviously, you’re just building social proof, you’re not actually trying to get customers. So the cheaper the advert the better and the cheapest demographic to advertise to is aged 13 to 24 but its better to go for 18 upwards because if anything of a vaguely adult nature appears on the page and they’ll ban your account.

So make sure that you’re choosing over 18 and you’ll still get a good rate. If you just put it in ‘LOVE’ as an interest, this will work well. It’s got to be really general, something with a massive niche or just don’t put anything.

When you first go to your campaign level,

you need to select engagement. You’ll have a selection of lots of different ways you can actually choose but you need to select engagement. That bit was skipped because I’d already created the ad I’ve shown you.

So you select ‘Engagement’ and as you can see on the left hand side, you’ve got all of the three stages.

The campaign is always your objective, your ad set is always your targeting and then your ad is obviously how you create your advert. On this one I’m just going to put a dollar/pound because I don’t really want to spend much money.

I’m going to delete this straightaway but again you can put what you want. Now for thirteen dollars, I’ve got five thousand page likes, so if you spend $20 you’re probably going to be looking at somewhere between six – seven – eight thousand page likes, maybe more.

I recommend somewhere around 5,000 page likes is perfectly good. You’re literally just asking for a page like so you can do that on any network really, that’s absolutely fine and that’s it really.


For images, all you need to do is go to Pixabay and there are royalty free which you can use for advertising on Facebook. Facebook has their own images as well and their own royalty free music too, if you want to put music on ads. On Pixabay, put in something short but relevant but be careful your image is not text heavy because Facebook doesn’t like that and they’ll charge you a premium for that.How to get Cheap Legitimate Facebook Page Likes

So then you would upload your image and then you try to inspire them to like the page with something simple. If you’ve got a pixel installed it’s good to get data so you can leave that ticked and then you would then go and confirm.

What next?

When you come to connections just exclude anyone who likes your page obviously, you don’t want to waste money advertising to people who’ve already liked your page. We want all genders and languages then obviously you edit to placements just to be the FEED. Facebook always puts automatic placements on but you don’t really want that to be honest because it’s going to put it absolutely everywhere and you’ve got no control over where it’s sending your traffic.

Conclusion from me

This does work because I used it on a brand new page and only did it for a week yet gained 1,250 followers, not bad considering the page only had 2 posts on it and a website link.

It’s a good way to get your page more followers or a brand new page up and running.

With the way Facebook has constrained the reach of small businesses in recent years as well as increasing the cost of advertising, anything that helps at a lower cost has to be good in my book.


6 thoughts on “How to get Cheap Legitimate Facebook Page Likes”

  1. I am really impressed by the results you got ‘ 1250.00 followers in week for a new page’, I like the fact that you shared your personal experience, which makes it easy to believe the information you provided. I will give the recommended strategy a go at least I have a reference.Thank you.

    • Thank you. It’s the reason I shared it and wrote about it. I went through the video step by step to do my first one on a brand new page. My results weren’t as good as his but I didn’t replicate it exactly. I was very impressed though, to gain so many from a small spend. With a brand new page, it can take time to build it, this way you get a good start and then more join because it already has quite a few likers.

      Glad you found it useful. Thank you for commenting.

  2. Facebook really drives traffic, I agree with you. 

    Imagine, I just posted my two articles on my fb story and newsfeed last week and my visitors increased to  by 150% of my last month performance.

    And I would say that I am not yet ready for Facebook ad. I only have less than 30 articles for now and I want to increase them first. Perhaps when I already got my authority from posting more quality articles, I will definitely consider Facebook Ads. More learning and more posting for now.

    Thanks for this reminder.

    • Hi Rose, this is just to increase your FB likes to improve your presence on the platform. So when you increase your content sharing you will already have an audience. 

      Always good to have knowledge of different ways and means.

      Thank you for commenting.

  3. Thank you for your very helpful article, As I am in Affiliate Marketing, I can’t stress enough how important it is to get your “brand” out there on all Social Media platforms including Facebook. I must say that Facebook has not always been my favorite platform but the help of your article and following your instructions will definitely give me a boost in likes and followers on my Business Page. Thanks again

    • Glad it helped you Jean. I feel that social media is very important for boosting traffic.

      Like you, it is not my favourite platform, due to the constant changes reducing the reach of small businesses. It is important though for a small business to have a presence on the main platforms. 

      Thank you for commenting.


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